Protocolo de Consulta Deshkan Ziibiing/Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Wiindmaagewin (2016)
The Deshkan Ziibiing/Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Wiindmaagewin Consultation Protocol was elaborated by the Deshkan Ziibiing/Chippewas of the Thames First Nation (Ontario, Canada). According to their protocol, its purpose is “to ensure that [their] relationships with other communities develop in the future in ways that are fully respectful.” They also declare intersocietal governance and communication principles based on their Indigenous law and legal traditions aiming to “guide governments and third parties interested in pursuing healthy and mutually beneficial relationships with Deshkan Ziibiing.”
O Protocolo de Consulta Deshkan Ziibiing/Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Wiindmaagewin foi elaborado pelos Deshkan Ziibiing/Chippewas of the Thames First Nation (Ontário, Canadá). De acordo com seu protocolo, o objetivo deste é “garantir que [suas] relações com outras comunidades se desenvolvam no futuro de forma totalmente respeitosa”. Eles também declaram princípios de comunicação e governança intersocietal com base em suas leis indígenas e tradições jurídicas com o objetivo de “orientar governos e terceiros interessados em buscar relacionamentos saudáveis e mutuamente benéficos com os Deshkan Ziibiing”.
Baixar: Protocolo de Consulta Deshkan Ziibiing/Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Wiindmaagewin